
Top Easy Speed Hacks to Boost WordPress Site Vitals Score

Crazy Easy Speed Hacks to Boost WordPress Site Vitals Score
site auditing tools

Speed Hacks to Boost WordPress Site:

Everybody nowadays is worried about the speed of their website because it’s the most important thing for the best user experience to increase the conversion and bounce rate of the website.

If the user experience is not good then there is doubt that the user will leave the website and will go to the next one because a user has many options on the internet.

Study shows that one-second delay in the website load time will:

⦁ Decrease Conversion by almost 7%
⦁ Decrease customer Satisfaction by 16%
⦁ Fewer Page views almost 11%

Similarly, if the website takes more than 3 seconds to load then 53% of visitors leave the website immediately.

This thing has a negative impact on your ability to engage your customers.

Then, these question arises in mind.

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⦁ what is the solution?
⦁ What should I do?
⦁ How should I do?
⦁ How can I reduce load time?
⦁ How can I increase my conversion?

In this article, we will guide you that how can you speed up your website and increase your conversion by decreasing the load time of the website.

Also, After doing all these changes to your website, you can maintain and increase the visitors to your website at a good level.

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Know about complete website speed score:

MonsterInsights to speed your website

To get complete detail you can also check: How to Setup MonsterInsights, The best Google Analytics Plugin?


How to Speed Up Your WordPress Site:

1- Choose the best WordPress Hosting Provider:

First of all, the most important thing is your website hosting where all of the website files stored. If you have good hosting then the speed of your website will good. If you will not choose the right hosting then it will impact your website by slowing down.
If you will choose shared hosting then you can not get the desired speed because the server you are using is also using other people if they will get more traffic then your website will slow down. Therefore choose the right hosting to get the expected results.

Here are few best hosting services:

You can also check more Top 25 best web hosting companies 2021

2- Increase website response rate by using a caching plugin

By using Cache Plugin, it will reduce the load time of your website and improve the server response.

When a user will visit your website, each time the server will get data from the database and will take several steps to generate a web page, at the same time if a lot of users is visiting your website then what will you do ?, It will slow down your website and you will not get good user experience.

Solutions are: Cache Plugin will solve this issue by storing frequently requested data and will increase the website speed. When the visitor will visit the first time then the cache plugin will copy that page and it will not need to repeat all steps, it will skip all steps when the user will visit again.

There are a lot of free Cache plugins are available to use like WP super Cache but if you want to go to the Premium cache plugin for better performance and result then we will recommend the WP Rocket plugin, this is the best cache plugin to increase your website speed at a very high level.

cache plugin

3- Use a compressor tool to optimize your images

Images on the website play a vital role in customer satisfaction. If the images are in large size then the speed of your website will be slow down.
Try to use optimized images, you can optimize by compressing them using compressor tools like TinyPNG or editing software.

You can also compress images directly on the website using tools or use software to compress images in small sizes and re-upload them.
After doing this your website speed will be high and it will load fast when any user will visit the website.

4- Use CDN to increase your load time

CDN is a content delivery network that plays a big role in the speed of your website.

You are thinking that how?

Let me tell you with an example that, if your website server is in Canada and your visitor is from Australia, when he will visit your website will take time to load but if a visitor from Canada will visit your website it will load fast, you got it what I meant.

Now the question is what will be the role of CDN then?

It is a network of servers in the different locations in the world that cache static content of your websites like font, images, videos, and other data. When a visitor will request to visit your website then CDN will deliver the content from the nearest server without any delay and your website speed will be perfect.

If you have a good hosting provider you can use the CDN of that company. There are also many other good CDN providers available on the internet like Bluehost, WPEngines.


5- Keep updated your WordPress with the latest version

Keep your word press website up-to-date for more features, bug removal, and to secure your website with the latest version of WordPress. Also, you should keep updating your theme and plugins.

By using the latest version of WordPress, theme, and plugins will improve your website speed.
You can check your WordPress version into Dashboard then updates WordPress and update your plugin by visiting Dashboard then plugins.

wordpress update

6-Choose the correct theme with fast load

Correct theme choice is a really important factor, there are a lot of themes available in free and Premium. There are a lot of good themes are available online but many are not good due to poor coding, So choose the best theme to gain the best load speed of your website.

Here are the best themes:


7-Don’t use a lot of custom fonts

Fonts also play an important role in website speed. If you are using many custom fonts in your website then these will slow down your website, so try to use only single font, and there are a lot of good Google fonts are available for free.

8-Deactivate the unused plugins

Deactivate all the plugins which you are not using because these will be automatically add in your server junk files and will slow down your website.
Go to the dashboard then plugin and deactivate all unused plugins. If these are not important then delete all after the deactivation.

9-Use WordPress Fast Plugins

Use the best WordPress plugin for your website. It will good impact on your website speed because there are a lot of plugins that are not coded well and these impact bad on the website speed.

Along with deactivating and deleting unnecessary plugins, the use of the best plugins is also really important.

10-Fix Render-Blocking JavaScript and CSS

Render blocking JavaScript and CSS are the files which create problem in displaying your web pages. All plugins and themes you use in your website add these files to the front end of the website. These slow down your website and the website didn’t work smoothly, so try to fix these problems.

What is the fast solution to it?

There are many solutions are available but the fastest solution is WPRocket Plugin. These plugins offer to fix the render-blocking of JavaScript and CSS. You can enable these settings after the installation.

11-Optimize database of your website

Another way to improve your website loading time is to optimize your website database. Remove the unnecessary data from your database.
You can do it manually or can do by using WordPress plugins like WP-Sweep, its free to use for clean up unused trashed posts, tags, auto drafts, revisions, and much more.

12-Avoid uploading videos and audios directly

Always avoid uploading videos and audio directly into your website if you want to maintain and increase your website speed. The solution of this is to upload it on third-party video websites like YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion, and many others where you like, YouTube is one of the top video platforms.

Just upload your videos on one of these then copy the link or embed the video and post it into your website page/post then your video will be displayed on it without delaying your website load time.

In this method, you can use videos on your website and also improve the performance of the website.

embed videos option in wordpress

13-Divide Long Articles into Multiple Pages

Another strategy to speed up your website is to divide long articles into multiple pages, for example, if one article is consists of 6 pages then it will load slowly but if you will divide it into many parts then it will load fast.

Similarly, In the archive pages if there are 30 posts on the page then divide it into 3 or more pages to load fast that pages. If you will display it on one page then it will take much time to load and it will impact very badly on your visitors.

Split your page into different parts by using WordPress editor or you can also use many other plugins for this or for the archive sections.


14-Split Comment Section into several pages

To increase the website speed another way is to split the comment section into several pages, if a page or post has a lot of comments then divide it into different pages using WordPress default settings.

Go to the Dashboard > Discussion > Other Comment setting Section and tick the check box “break comment into pages number of top-level comments per page”.

comments breaking

15-Use Excerpts on Frontpage and Archives

Similarly, now use Excerpts on the archive and front page. By doing this posts will show the short content, when you will click on it then the complete post will show.

The question is how?

Go to Settings » Reading and then change the option of For each post in a feed, include to Summary and click on save changes.

wordpress excerpts

If necessary you can use the excerpts plugin for this purpose with more features.


16- Run the backup when your traffic is low

Taking backup of the website is very important to keep secure your website from hackers. You can take your website backup by using free WordPress backup plugins but don’t run the backup plugin at the time when you will more visitors to your website.

Just schedule the backup time when you know that this time I have fewer visitors on my website. In this method, your website speed will increase and keep maintained.

17- Improve Website Speed by using the Lazy load plugin

Using the Lazy load plugin is also a very important part of the “Crazy Easy Speed Hacks to Boost WordPress Site Vitals Score”.

In this way, your visitor will see the website content on the visible page only like videos, images, posts, and other content.
When the visitors will scroll down the other content will display smoothly instead of loading all content at the same time, this is the perfect method to show your content and increase your website speed.


You know visitors always expect to load a site within one and two seconds.

If your website takes more than 3 seconds then you will lose half of your visitors and almost 79% of visitors don’t wanna return again on that site due to the poor website performance.

After using all these tricks, We hope that you will get the best result for your website and your visitors will feel good and satisfied while visiting your website.

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